Player General Info
Short-term Goals
Long-term Goals
Why Individual Player Development Plans?
GESC believes in the importance of developing all of our players holistically. To do so, we look at the 4 C's of Positive Youth Development which consist of each player's Competence (broken down further into technical, tactical, and physical components), Confidence, Connection (with both coaches and teammates), and their Character.
These Individual Player Development Plans will be a tool to help us measure our coaching effectiveness and influence on our player's development of the 4 C's throughout their time with the club, will enable us to track individual and large-scale changes throughout the seasons and years, help us pinpoint areas that may need more focus, and ultimately help create a good starting point for conversation and dialogue between the player and their coaches so that we can better help players realize and achieve their goals through soccer.
How to utilize the GESC IPDP
Players should take the survey/questionnaire to update for changes twice per year, once at the beginning of the spring season, and once at the beginning of the fall season.
It is most important that the player is the one answering the questions. Parents can help the player (especially younger players) in filling out the IPDP, but the answers need to come from the player for it to work best.
Coaches and/or the Club Director will review each IPDP and the player's goals, and help guide the player by making recommendations and checking in with them on any answers that they feel are important to discuss.
Coaches and/or the Club Director will also follow up with the player throughout the season and toward the end of each season in order to determine how progress is and if there are any adjustments that need to be made