For specific program costs as well as what you can expect for any other typical expenses throughout the year, please see the specific individual program pages. For an overview of programs available by age, click here.
Gallatin Elite prides itself in being the best value dollar for dollar in Gallatin County for youth soccer, and we are confident that the quantity and quality of programs that we offer provide the best youth soccer value in the valley. We can do this because of the generosity of our sponsors; which includes corporations, foundations, and individuals alike. Every little bit helps our ability to continue providing quality programs. If you are interested in donating or would like to become a sponsor, we would love to work with you!
Each partnership with GESC is unique, and we will work closely with you to craft a high impact initiative that meets both of our goals. Sponsorships that are available include training jersey sponsors, event sponsors, equipment sponsors and more. For more information, please email or call: or (406) 414-7980.