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Elite Newsletter

December 2018



Welcome to the GESC December Newsletter!
All of our programs for spring and our winter futsal program are now open for registration. 
Some highlights:
  • Early Bird sign ups for our Rec program are going on now through Feb. 1st for only $65!
  • Mini Dribblers return again for this spring
  • 2010 birth year Elite Juniors Academy is available for only $50 (see more below)!
  • All of our Elite Junior Academy groups (2007-2010/2011) are currently looking for players to join
  • The winter indoor soccer / futsal session is up!
  • Did someone say GESC Belgrade chapter???
How does travel soccer for ONLY $50 sound?
If you have a player that is born in 2010 that really enjoys soccer this will be hard to turn down (high level 2011 birth year players will also be considered at the discretion of the coaches and club director).
2010 birth year players can experience this spring season with our Elite Juniors Academy for an unreal and unmatched $50. I feel cheesy (yours for the low, low price of only $50...!!!), but we are all seriously so excited to be able to offer this price to this age group so I can't help it.
Attend our 2019 Spring 2010/2011 Juniors Academy Meeting on Thursday, January 10th, 2019, at 6pm at the Bozeman Public Library for more info.
The $50 player registration fee covers everything normal registration covers, including league/friendly games, all training, top-quality professional and licensed coaches, and more.

As always, GESC limits the number of players and teams we field in order to ensure consistent, high-quality teams and coaching, so let us know if you are interested or have any questions by emailing and/or register now at this link. Alternately, for more info check out the Elite Juniors Academy program page here.

2010 Birth Year Juniors Academy Informational Meeting


Thursday, January 10th


Bozeman Public Library Small Meeting Room

626 E Main St.

Bozeman, MT 59715


The meeting will be geared toward the Spring 2019 Elite Juniors Academy program for 2010/2011 birth year players, but everyone is welcome and we will gladly stick around and answer any questions you may have about the club and any of our programs as well.

09 boys and girls intrasquad photo.JPG
2010/2011 Juniors Academy

Our GESC ELITE JUNIORS ACADEMY groups are now looking for boy and girl players born between 2007 and 2010

Note: 2011s that are interested will be considered for the 2010 groups at the discretion of the coaches and club director

This is for those players born between 2007 and 2010 (2011s that are interested will be considered for the 2010 groups) that are wanting a higher level of training, play, and competition with the top coaches from around the area utilizing the most modern coaching methods at the best possible prices. Program costs include all training, league/friendly game costs, a state tournament, professional and licensed coaches following the GESC curriculum and style of play, a free half-day Elite Summer Camp entry, plus more.


For more info and to register, go to the Elite Juniors Academy program page, or email:


2010s (2011s will be considered at the discretion of the coaches and club director)

$50 (this is not a typo - read above!)











Note: In order to ensure consistent, high-quality teams and coaching, GESC limits the number of players and teams we field. Please email if you are planning on playing or with any questions.

Juniors Academy players wanted
Belgrade Elite


When this club was formed, it was always the intention and desire to get more kids in Gallatin County and Montana playing soccer by providing high quality coaching and programs at affordable prices. We fully believe in soccer's ability to make a difference in kid's lives, to create lasting memories, and to have a positive impact at helping them become future leaders as adults. 


Because of all of this, we are starting a separate soccer program in Belgrade under the GESC umbrella. This is only the start of this chapter, and it is our hope that this initial program will help us gauge interest in growing and expanding the breadth of our Belgrade offerings beyond this spring, and ultimately continuing and expanding on our goal of growing soccer in all of Gallatin County. 

For this spring, GESC has partnered with the current Belgrade HS boys and girls coaches who will, together with us, run training sessions/clinics out in Belgrade at the sports complex. 



What: Clinics will consist of part training and part games, and will be run by current Belgrade HS and GESC coaches.

When: This program will run for 6 Thursdays from April 12th through May 17th (weather permitting, times still TBD).

Who: For players of all levels in that are in Kindergarten through 8th grade. Targeted specifically for Belgrade-based players or players in Belgrade that are interested in playing.

Cost: $50. All participants will also get a shirt.

How to register: To participate, interested players must sign up with GESC through the link on the program page here. 

Winter futsal/training

2019 Winter Futsal / Indoor Soccer Training

Registration for our winter futsal / indoor soccer training session is open. The winter session runs from January 7th through March 1st.


Important things to note:

  • There was less gym space available to us compared to the Fall, which means each group is only 1-2 times per week. However, there are more weeks during the Winter period than during the Fall period, and less blackout dates (no Thanksgiving and less holiday blackouts), so the total number of sessions works out to about the same for most groups.

  • The price is only $65 for the winter session. That is obviously less for the winter period than it was for the fall, and that is due to the gym space that we do have costing us less than the gym space we had during the fall. Due to that, we were able to pass that savings directly on to you.

  • You will notice on the schedule to the right/below (depending on if you are on mobile or a computer) that the Sunday gym space is still TBD. Sundays will happen, but the location is a bit tentative as we are still waiting back to hear from the school district on the exact space. We have backup plans in case the school space does not work out, so keep posted for that.

  • Drop-ins are still available at $10 per session. Please let us know if you plan to drop in.

To register or for more information, see the winter soccer program page for more info. As always, you can also email us with any questions at:

Winter Futsal/Indoor Soccer Schedule (click to enlarge)



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